《阅读(快乐英语中年级)》杂志2020年12期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

2年前 阅读 / 200 来源 / 原创 文 / 越读党订阅

目录星星点灯丨I am waterI am home for the fish. I am rain for the earth. I am bathwater for babies. I am all that, and I am mor...

星星点灯丨I am water
I am home for the fish. I am rain for the earth. I am bathwater for babies. I am all that, and I am more. I am water for...
大千世界丨Merry Christmas圣诞快乐
Here comes Christmas! It is on 25th December. It is the biggest holiday in most western(西方的) countries, just like the Sp...
故事广场丨Fantastic Dinosaurs神奇恐龙
Many children like dinosaurs.They wish dinosaurs could come back.Dinosaurs could help a lot. Dinosaurs could carry peopl...
By Susan Varley 绘本导读 很老很老的獾拄着拐杖,戴着眼镜,围着绿色的围巾,坐在老树墩上。他留恋地看着眼前的一切,然后向月亮道了晚安,坐在书桌前写信。那是一封留给朋友们的告别信。 獾的去世,让他的朋友们都很难过。幸好,当春天到...
圣诞节(Christmas)快到了,玩具大家庭计划举办盛大的节日聚会。Barbie列了个购物清单,正带着Peppa在超市采购呢。她们会买些什么呢?一起去看看吧。 購物清单 Peppa: Barbie,我们要为圣诞聚会买些什么呢? Barbi...
巧手制作丨Pretty Cover of a Journal美丽的手账本封面
Do you have a habit of keeping accounts? Let’s make a beautiful cover(封面)of the journal(手账本)! What we need: colourful ma...
图解单词丨Around the Farm
pig 猪 donkey驴 horse 马 tractor 拖拉机 hay干草 farmer 農民...
游戏魔方丨Funny Phonics等
听录音,根据自然拼读法把下面的字母按照正确的顺序组合。 Whose Clothes 下面的衣服是谁的呢?请听录音,连线。 Find the Differences 下面两幅图有哪些不同,你能找出来吗? About Stationary 列出...
梦想剧场丨Be There Just to Make up the Numbers
Mr Nanguo is a Yu player in the palace. He is going to blow Yu for the Qi Xuan Wang. Is he a clever man or not? 南郭先生濫竽充数...
剧情简介 慈祥的木匠盖比特(Geppetto)制造了一个可爱的小木偶(puppet),取名匹诺曹(Pinocchio)。Pinocchio 被蓝仙女(Blue Fairy)赐予生命,但需要经受考验才能成为真正的男孩子(a real boy)...
妙语连珠丨A Cup
If I had hands, then I would wash them. If I had feet, then I would wash them. If I had ears, then I would wash them. An...
妙语连珠丨I Love Vita
Vita is a little lovely cat. He is white. He has a long tail and big eyes. He’s very cool. He likes running and sleeping...
妙语连珠丨My Pet
My favourite pet is a cat. Her name is Kate. She is gray and white. She is cute. Her eyes are bright. She likes fish bes...
妙语连珠丨My Favourite Pet
I like dogs very much. So my mother bought me a white dog as my birthday present. He is a little fat and eats a lot. He ...
童谣天地丨The Farmer Takes the Wife
The farmer takes the wife. The wife takes the child. The child takes the nurse. The nurse takes the dog. The dog takes t...





图片来源@视觉中国 文丨连线出行,作者丨张霏,编辑丨李信 ofo在渐渐衰退,但一直没有彻底“死亡”。 7月2日,ofo关联公司青岛子公司进行注销备案这一变更信息,冲上微博热搜。 四天后,ofo再次进入大众视野——一份有...





美团取消支付宝支付 与阿里1%的爱情彻底分手了?

7月29日,Tech星球独家获悉,有用户在使用美团支付时发现,美团月付和银行卡支付占据优先位置,而不再显示支付宝支付了,而微信支付和Apple pay还在支付选择列表上。据悉,这不是美团第一次取消支付宝支付,2016年、2018年分别有过两...


车型推新/技术加码 自主品牌积极备战欲重夺市场




目录卷首语丨在磨难中成长 从磨难中奋起2021年是中国共产党成立100年!100年来,中国共产党坚持马克思主义科学指导,紧紧依靠人民群众,一路攻坚克难、闯关夺隘,屡次化危为机、转危为安,不断从磨难中奋起,在磨难中成长,取...



据《华盛顿邮报》5月25日报道,华盛顿特区总检察长拉辛(Karl A. Racine)周二(5月25日)对亚马逊提出了反垄断诉讼,称这家电子商务巨头垄断市场,导致消费者价格上涨。 图源:Unsplash 拉辛办公室指责该公司通过与在其...