《阅读(快乐英语中年级)》杂志2021年06期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

2年前 阅读 / 177 来源 / 原创 文 / 越读党订阅

目录星星点灯丨One Sunflower SeedI planted one seed. It made one flower, Yellow and tall as a tower. In the circle of the petals...

星星点灯丨One Sunflower Seed
I planted one seed. It made one flower, Yellow and tall as a tower. In the circle of the petals Grew a thousand new seed...
大千世界丨 Children’s Day: A Special Day for Children 儿童节:孩子们的特别日子
Different countries celebrate Children’s Day on different days. The International Children’s Day is on June 1st. In Chin...
故事广场丨A New Storyteller
山羊爷爷每周二会在森林里给动物们讲故事,可是这个周二,山羊爷爷却说:“我老了,要退休了,森林需要一个新的故事讲述人。”谁会成为新的故事讲述人呢?Let’s read the story. Grandpa Goat tells stories...
绘本时光丨Curious George好奇的乔治
The man telephoned the Zoo. George was curious. He wanted to telephone, too. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Wh...
巧手制作丨A Rainy Day下雨天
Bolooloo: 端午节还有一项传统活动,那就是赛龙舟。划船需要消耗大量的体力,赛后我们要多关心队员的身体。该怎么表达关心呢? Bolooloo: 我们可以用“Are you ...?”句型来表达关心。“Are you ...?”是一般疑...
图解单词丨Things I do
walk 走...
游戏魔方丨Funny Phonics等
梦想剧场丨Cinderella 灰姑娘
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ella. Ella’s mother had died long ago. Her stepmother was unkind to her. Ella m...
光影快递丨Trolls World Tour魔发精灵2
Servant: Whoever fits the shoe will be the prince’s wife. Anastasia: Let me try! It will fit me. Drusilla: No! It is my ...
妙语连珠丨I Like Spring
Barb: Hey, man. There he is! King Trollex of the Techno Trolls, right? 嗨,伙計。他在这儿呢!电音精灵的国王精雷斯,对吗? Trollex: That’s right. ...
妙语连珠丨My Favourite Season
I like summer best. I eat a lot of fruit in summer. I eat ice creams, too. I wear beautiful skirts, T-shirts and shorts....
Of all the four seasons, I like summer best. In summer, it becomes very hot. The sun shines every day. I usually dress i...
妙语连珠丨Stream in Spring
The stream is a boat in spring. Ice is the first group of guests to take. They squeeze cheerfully. The stream is a cloth...
童谣天地丨We Are So Happy
We are so happy, very very happy. We are so young and so sweet. We are so happy, very very happy. Just like flowers are ...





图片来源:每经记者 张晓庆 摄丰田常以“保守主义”著称,眼下,其在华电动化布局却在提速。今年4月以来,丰田纯电动车型C-HR EV、奕泽E进擎和雷克萨斯品牌量产纯电动车型UX 300e已陆续上市。与此同时,丰田也在不断扩大电...






IT之家 3 月 24 日消息据外媒 Android Police 和 XDA 报道,高通公司正在开发一款采用 Android 系统的掌上游戏机,设计类似于任天堂 Switch。该设备将采用高通公司的芯片,如果最终推出的话,可能在明年上...








