《英语世界》杂志2022年07期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦物流丨A Brief History of Logistics 物流简史Logistics, as we know it today, is an essential part of every successful busines...

聚焦物流丨A Brief History of Logistics 物流简史
Logistics, as we know it today, is an essential part of every successful business. You can see its wide application in c...
聚焦物流丨Logistics in the Ecommerce Era电商时代的物流
Plans of business expansions and holiday vacations have been shattered and ruined by the pandemic. Memories of Christmas...
聚焦物流丨Logistics Innovation Reveals Emerging Technologies物流创新催生新兴技术
The major component driving the advancement of the logistics industry is the digital transformation. Emerging technologi...
聚焦物流丨What’s in the Future for the Logistics Industry? 物流行业的未来
Without a doubt, technology has significantly turned the world into an online village. With just one click of a button, ...
聚焦物流丨Logistics: The Secret Ingredient in China’s E-commerce物流:中国电商的秘方
How Alibaba and JD.com accelerate logistics innovation. 阿里巴巴和京东如何加速物流创新。 There’s definitely something going on behind th...
聚焦物流丨Tracking Packages Is Unhealthy Obsession追踪快递让人走火入魔
Experts say it’s common for consumers to constantly track online purchases. 专家表示,消费者经常追踪网购快递物流。 There’s a child-like joy...
中国故事丨Education Pioneer Who Lifted 1,800 Girls Out of Poverty教育领头人助千名女孩走出贫困
The founder of China’s first and only free public high school for girls—in a poor, mountainous region in the country’s s...
文苑丨A Great Mistake失算
An Italian kept a fruit-stand on a corner where he had good aim at the people who came down from the elevated1 station, ...
文苑丨Mandela’s Garden1曼德拉的菜园
In early 1977, the authorities announced the end of manual labor and arranged some type of work for us to do in the cour...
文苑丨与莫同年雨中饮湖上Drinking with Classmate Mo at the Lake on a Rainy Day1
到处相逢是偶然, 梦中相对各华颠。 还来一醉西湖雨, 不见跳珠十五年。 In life drifting hither and thither, we happen to meet by chance. We sit face to fac...
环球万象丨Mexico: Not Ageing Gracefully无法优雅老去的墨西哥
As Mexico ages, public services are not keeping up. 墨西哥人口老齡化加剧,但该国的公共服务却跟不上社会需求。 In a sunlit room in Mexico City a group...
经济视野丨Restaurants Faced a Choice:Adapt or Die餐厅的选择:要么适应,要么死
Like many restaurateurs who focus on fresh pasta, Alida Solomon found that long strands of fresh, delicate noodles quick...
科技天地丨Green House in the Sky天上温室
Outer space offers plant breeders some curious advantages. 外太空给植物育种家带来神奇好处。 Plants grown in orbit, and thereby deprived ...
网络时代丨The World Uses One Emoji More Than All Others全球使用最多的表情符号
In hundreds of years, emoji1 could become the digital cave art2 of our times. At least that’s what Mayank Kej-riwal, a r...
艺坛丨Personal Values《个人价值观》
Although he is often grouped with Surrealists such as Salvador Dalí1, Max Ernst2, and Yves Tanguy3, Magritte took a...
艺坛丨A Forgotten Female Impressionist被遗忘的印象派女画家
Matilda Browne (1869–1947) was a successful artist in the early 20th century, but unfortunately, few people know her nam...
教育丨What Can We Learn from Finland’s Education System芬兰教育体制的启示
If you think a good education consists of as much academic work as possible, lots of competition and plenty of tests, th...
读书丨Unexpected Benefits to Shifting Your Mindset About Time改变时间观念的意外好处
Embracing long-term thinking can transform your career and business. 运用长期思维可改变你的职业和事业。 It’s human nature to want fast re...
行走天下丨24 Hours in Edinburgh爱丁堡一日游
Sitting at the top of Calton Hill and overlooking the city of Edinburgh, it is easy to fall in love one more time with a...
心境丨Are We Born with Optimism?乐观是否与生俱来?
Both biological differences and learned behaviours can help foster optimism. 生物学差异和习得行为都会促进乐观品质的形成。 I consider myself an...
动物丨Pets Can Have Depression, Too宠物也患抑郁症
When Sara Palmer’s Yorkie Kingston suddenly stopped eating or drinking, she feared a serious medical condition. Although...
上一期讲了两个希腊词根,第20个chiro-(手)和第21个-pus/-pod-(脚),同时介绍了由此派生的不少专业词汇。我的这一系列是有一定难度的,许多单词在专业场合才可能碰到,但我们还是要学。 为什么要学?因为这些希腊词根都是英文词汇的...
谭译录丨Neighbour Rosicky (Excerpt I)《邻居罗西基》(节选一)
When Doctor Burleigh told neighbour Rosicky he had a bad heart, Rosicky protested. 当伯利医生告知罗西基,说他心脏不好时,罗西基断然否定。 “So? No, ...
賈谊,洛阳人也,年十八,以能诵诗书属文称于郡中。河南守吴公闻其秀材,召置门下,甚幸爱。文帝初立,闻河南守吴公治平为天下第一,故与李斯同邑,而尝学事焉,征以为廷尉。廷尉乃言谊年少,颇通诸家之书。文帝召以为博士。 Jia Yi, born in...
莎士比亞这位语言大师妙笔生花,言近旨远,善于运用简单而普通的词语表达深远的意思,有时使文字难于理解和翻译。最突出的例子就是《哈姆雷特》中“to be, or not to be”这个脍炙人口的表达。《英语世界》杂志在2020年第8期中转载了...
1. 什么是品格证据 品格证据(character evidence)是英美普通法与制定法中的专有概念。概括而言,品格证据是指能够证明一个人的品格或品格特征,并以此来推论该人行为的证据。这里的“品格”不仅仅包含一个人的道德品质(moral ...
四级 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled “Are People Becoming Addicted to Tec...
英伦学堂丨When Marketing Goes Wrong
A The power of effective marketing has a long history. In the 19th century, a new product, soap, became available to eve...


千寻位置发布时空智能芯片 已量产并投用百万片







【文/观察者网 齐倩】“我可以,你不可以”,一直以来就是一些西方政府和媒体行事常态。如今,法国外交部又一次赤裸裸地展现了这种双标行径。3月22日,法国外交部发布题为“中国”的新闻稿,内容不外乎两条:我们的议员和学...


上汽集团:去年营收7421亿元 今年锁定8300亿




目录中国考古百年丨磁州窑考古与研究的百年历程【关键词】磁州窑;考古工作;研究成果;百年历程 【摘要】磁州窑是宋元时期最具代表性、影响巨大的窑场之一,其生产的瓷器是宋代庶民艺术的典型代表。对磁州窑从古代文献记载的...



「核心提示」答辩,是许多互联网公司评判转正、绩效晋升的关键环节,有人为PPT熬秃了头,有人为讲演磨破了嘴。在这场答辩游戏里,处处是表演,处处是角力。一些玩法在答辩场内,更多规则在场外。作者 |陈杨园编辑 |邢昀一...