- 聚焦配音艺术丨What Is Voice Acting?什么是配音?
- Think about your favorite video games or animated TV shows. Voice actors were essential to all of them. If you have stro...
- 聚焦配音艺术丨The Art of Voice Acting配音的艺术
- For as long as there have been cartoons there have been voice actors. In reality, voice actors are some of the best in t...
- 聚焦配音艺术丨Challenges in a Voice-Acting Career配音演员的职业困境
- Many articles online portray the life of voice acting as if actors are basking in their recording studio. It can be true...
- 聚焦配音艺术丨The Unsung History of Great Voice Acting湮没无闻的伟大配音史
- Mel Blanc paved the way for voice acting as a true art, though it’s a skill that often goes unrecognized when praise is ...
- 聚焦配音艺术丨12 Most Memorable Voice Acting Performances in Movies十二个难忘的电影配音
- Numerous actors have used their voice to help create some of the most iconic characters in the movie industry. Voice act...
- 聚焦配音艺术丨AI Voice Actors Sound More Human Than EverAI配音演员——胜似人声
- A new wave of startups are using deep learning to build synthetic voice actors for digital assistants, video-game charac...
- 中国故事丨Chinese Liquor Brands Are Targeting Younger Generations and the Western Market中国白酒品牌瞄准年轻人和西方市场
- Across dining tables in China, diners toast (or taunt) each other with a tiny shot of the distinctively pungent baijiu. ...
- 文苑丨Pursuit as Happiness (Excerpt)以逐为乐(节选)
- 【导读】读这篇故事,我们有一种似曾相识的感觉,即想到了作者海明威的代表作《老人与海》。两个作品写的都是钓鱼经历,前者是写实,后者是虚构。一战后的1928—1931年间,海明威在美国佛罗里达州和古巴度过了一段安详的岁月,狩猎、捕鱼和写作成了他...
- 文苑丨Elite Universities Are Out of Touch精英大学与社会脱节
- Looking out the window of a plane flying over Boulder, Colorado, recently, I was reminded how much American universities...
- 环球万象丨7 Colorful Festivals from Around the World世界各地七个丰富多彩的节日
- There’s nothing better than a reason to celebrate, whether it’s the start of the new year, love, or paying tribute to an...
- 经济视野丨What Is Conjoint Analysis?什么是联合分析?
- For a business to run effectively, its leadership needs a firm understanding of the value its products or services bring...
- 科技天地丨Disaster Zone Technology Gives Rescue Missions the Edge灾区技术让救援行动如虎添翼
- Disaster zones operate on tight timelines. Minutes, or even seconds, can be the difference between life and death when p...
- 网络时代丨The Rise of Lifestyle Streamers生活类主播的兴起
- As the shelter-in-place restrictions have tethered many people to their homes, livestreaming—broadcasting user-created v...
- 艺坛丨Capri Sunrise《卡普里日出》
- Travelling was a big part of Frederic Leighton’s life. He could speak French, German, Italian and Spanish. It was on soj...
- 教育丨Exam Skills Won’t Help You Survive Squid Game1凭借考试技巧无法打赢“鱿鱼游戏”
- Last year’s Suneung2 had questions about Hegel’s dialectics3 and Bretton Woods. But do they really matter? 去年韩国高考考了有关黑格尔...
- 行走天下丨Bike, Bite, Drive1 & Fly骑车、美食、击球与飞行
- Negros Oriental’s provincial capital and smallest local government unit, Dumaguete City goes by the tag “City of Gentle ...
- 史海钩沉丨The Heavy Water Sabotage二战重水破坏行动
- At the outbreak of World War II, the Vemork hydroelectric plant at Rjukan in Telemark, Southern Norway was the only faci...
- 健康丨How to Avoid Weight Gain Over the Holidays如何避免“过节肥”
- The holidays are a time when family and friends gather to enjoy each other’s company—and eat! Indulgent meals, bountiful...
- 词林漫步丨兔年话说汉英词典中的“兔”
- 古人所說的“飞禽莫如鸪,走兽莫如兔”是有道理的,因为“兔”在中华文化中占据了显著地位,隐含着深厚的文化蕴意。 可以说,“兔”的影子在中华文化中随处可见,至少表现在以下几个方面。其一,兔乃瑞兽,祥瑞之征兆。据古书《瑞应图》记载:“赤兔大瑞,白...
- 词林漫步丨藏在英文里的希腊词根(十四)
- 上一期介绍了-agog/-agogue(带领者)和-andro-(男人),这是两个与人有关的希腊文词根。和往常一样,有主线有副线,有正餐也有点心,内容不仅丰富,甚至可以称得上是词语大餐了。 依照惯例,温故知新,我们先重点复习一下,回顾“自然...
- 谭译录丨中译英策略与方法(十)
- 无论是翻译教学还是学习翻译,第一步应该是解决翻译的认知问题,教师应能帮助学生建立正确的翻译认知方法。关于这一点,应该是有共识的。翻译的认知方法,具体来说,涉及对源语的理解,对源语与目标语之间的语言和文化差异进行对比,确定对源语的理解角度和翻...
- 谭译录丨Charlie’s Raven (Excerpt III)《查理的渡鸦》(节选三)
- Charlie carried Blue Sky to a small log cabin that stood a weasel leap from the main house. More than a hundred years ag...
- 谭译录丨我与童年隔片田My Childhood Is a Patch of Grass Away
- July witnessed a Covid-19 outbreak and suddenly sealed me off in the apartment complex I lived in. Hopes got refreshed i...
- 学苑丨文学翻译的学思用
- 听声音节奏,看形式结构,想意义意味意蕴意境,是我教授文学翻译课程时总结的文本分析与评价口诀,其目的是便于上口好记,当然更主要的目的是给初学者提供一个如何分析原文或表达译文的“通俗”思路与方法。 所谓听声音节奏,就是听文学作品的声音,听其声音...
- 应试点津丨2021年12月大学英语四、六级作文试题评析(一)
- 四 级 Directions: Suppose your school is organizing an orientation program to help the freshmen to adapt to the new e...
- 英伦学堂丨Regenerative Medicine
- A. When somebody gets sick or is hurt in an accident, there are several different ways that doctors can try to help them...