《英语世界》杂志2020年05期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录应试点津丨2019年11月CATTI三级笔译实务真题(英译汉)passage 1 [1] In today’s interconnected world, culture’s power to transform societies i...

passage 1 [1] In today’s interconnected world, culture’s power to transform societies is clear. Its diverse manifestatio...
应试点津丨2019年11月CATTI二级笔译 实务真题(英译汉)
passage 1 [1] Where there is financial connection1, we see that rapid improvements in quality of life can quickly follow...
应试点津丨2019年11月CATTI三级笔译 实务真题(汉译英)
Passage 1 [1] 作为中国浙江省省会城市,杭州是中国著名历史文化名城。距今约5300多年的良渚文化遗址(位于杭州余杭区)是中华文明发祥地之一。 [2] 杭州以美丽的山水著称于世。中国古代谚语“上有天堂,下有苏杭”表达出古往今来人们...
应试点津丨2019年11月CATTI二级笔译 实务真题(汉译英)
Passage 1 [1] 新中国成立70年来,中国的人权事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。 [2] 1949年新中国成立前,中国的人均GDP仅达27美元,人均预期寿命35岁,人均受教育年限不到一年,约90%的中国人民是文盲;战乱仍频,人民生活在苦...
聚焦区块链丨What Is Blockchain Technology 什么是区块链技术
Blockchain is a mathematically designed structure to store data in a way which is almost impossible to hack or fake it o...
聚焦区块链丨Blockchain’s Big Innovation Is Trust, Not Money 区块链的最大创新在信任不在金钱
It’s been referred to as a “revolutionary technology” by IBM, and a “once in a generation opportunity” by Pricewaterhous...
聚焦区块链丨How Blockchain Will Transform the Supply Chain and Logistics Industry 区块链将如何改变供应链和物流业
Managing today’s supply chains—all the links to creating and distributing goods—is extraordinarily complex. Depending on...
聚焦区块链丨How Will Blockchain Change Your Life 区块链将如何改变生活
Like many new developments, the full ramifications of the Blockchain technology have taken some time to be appreciated. ...
聚焦区块链丨China to Expedite Development of Blockchain Technology 中国将加快区块链技术发展
Word in China is out1 about blockchain technology, as the government made clear in the Informatization Strategy publishe...
中国故事丨Smaller Cities to Drive China’s Consumption Boom 中小城市助推中国消费热潮
While much attention is paid to China’s largest cities, the country’s smaller urban centers could become the larger driv...
文苑丨The Aged Mother 弃母记
Long, long ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged, widowed mother. They owned a bit of l...
文苑丨抗击疫情犹如海上远航 Fighting the Epidemic Is Like Sailing Afar at Sea
有一年的元旦之后的一個航次,我们离开加拿大温哥华港后,要横渡北太平洋把船开回国。 在波浪滔天的大海上航行,船上海员的活动空间十分狭小。因为风浪,所有通往甲板的水密门全部关闭,风浪中的海员被“宅”在空间有限的舱室内,每天就是在工作室、房间和餐...
文苑丨Be Your Own Person —Be a Philosopher 做自己——成为哲学家
The immediate reaction of some sharp, informed readers with a particular philosophical background to the heading of this...
环球万象丨Narezushi1: A Taste of Ancient Sushi in Japan 品尝日本古老风味——熟寿司
“I don’t think we should open it here,” warns Kazuyuki Ohashi, the executive chef at Lake Biwa Marriott Hotel, as he mot...
经济视野丨The Economic Consequences of Social Distancing 社交隔离的经济后果
The biggest threat posed by the covid-19 outbreak is, of course, the health risks it poses. But that is not the only ris...
科技天地丨How Far Away Are We from Autonomous Cars? 自动驾驶离我们有多远?
Driverless cars used to be the sort of thing you’d see in sci-fi1 films—but they’re becoming a reality. Autonomous car t...
网络时代丨Live-streaming KOL Meltdowns直播带货须防坑
Brands can reach new audiences effectively by partnering with trusted KOL1 influences—but there are risks involved, as l...
艺坛丨The Promenade 《散步》
During the winter of 1917-18, soon after painting the Vitebsk landscapes, Chagall created The Promenade (oil on canvas, ...
教育丨UK Children Play Instruments as Part of Family Tradition, Not to Boost Social Status 英国儿童学乐器——重家传轻功利
British parents encourage their children to play musical instruments as part of a family tradition and not to boost thei...
心境丨Is There a Hoarder in Your Life?你的生活中有没有囤积狂?
The impulse is to get a dump truck in the house and toss everything.真有股沖动把垃圾车开进家里,将囤积的东西全扔出去。 I watched the “hoarding sh...
2019年7月3日,百度AI开发者大会上,正在侃侃而谈的李彦宏突遭泼水,这位总裁随即飙出一句英语:What’s your problem? 个别听众将其误解为“你有什么问题?”,而很多英语工作者闻此语后则不禁感叹:这位技术大拿的英语竟然也如...
谐音词(homophonic words),即同音或近音词,包括汉语中四声不同的字。汉语往往一字多义,从广义上说,也是一种谐音。如《春秋榖梁传·僖公二十二年》中的这一句:“人之所以为人者,言也。人而不能言,何以为人?言之所以为言者...
有关电影片名的翻译已经有过很多的讨论。这里仅以中外若干电影片名的对译为例,谈谈翻译者的身份和扮演的角色。 电影片名的翻译方式多种多样,译者既求真也务实,但对于应用型文体的电影翻译而言,务实总体上高于求真:增加票房收入必然是首要考虑的社会因素...
谭译录丨Julie’s Wolf Pack (Excerpt VIII) 《朱莉的狼群》(节选八)
The border check went on for weeks. The more Kapu scent marked his territory, the stronger he felt and the more peaceful...
谭译录丨富 与 贵 Wealth and Nobility
日常生活中,人們容易把“富”与“贵”相混淆2,如把有钱人家统称为“富贵之家”。其实,二者是不同的;富者未必贵,贵者未必富。 随着中国综合实力3的提高,国内的富人逐渐多了起来。但他们中不乏这样的人:住豪宅,却大放噪音,干扰邻居;开豪车,可把垃...
词语的选择首先关乎译文是否准确,例如《样章》的推荐语部分常见的“小说”这个词。在汉语里,无论短篇中篇长篇,一律冠之以“小说”是没有任何问题的,英译时则有必要区分到底是short story,还是novella甚或novel。 词语的选择还关...
英伦学堂丨Hidden Treasures
By Chris Cavey (amended by Jon Porter) There’s more to tourism in Britain than you might think. When you think of touris...












“缺芯”“贵电”已成为今年国内汽车行业的热议词。据AutoForecast Solutions给出的最新数据,截至12月18日,在芯片短缺的影响下,今年全球汽车市场已累计减产约441.42万辆汽车,如果将时间延长到今年整年,这个数字预计将...





