《英语世界》杂志2020年02期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦社交礼仪丨English Etiquette 英 国 的 礼 节Whilst the English penchant1 for manners and socially appropriate behaviour is renow...

聚焦社交礼仪丨English Etiquette 英 国 的 礼 节
Whilst the English penchant1 for manners and socially appropriate behaviour is renowned across the world, the word etiqu...
聚焦社交礼仪丨Dining Etiquette from Around the World 世界各地的餐桌礼仪
Dining while abroad can feel as though you are tiptoeing1 around a minefield2 of unfamiliar rules. Table manners are the...
聚焦社交礼仪丨Business Etiquette: The Rules of Communication Around the World 世界各国商务沟通礼仪
With the rise of international relations, it’s become extremely important to acknowledge cultural differences and abide ...
聚焦社交礼仪丨Etiquette of Proper Attire 着装礼仪
Have you ever shown up at an event and realized you aren’t dressed properly? It could be a job interview, a party, or an...
聚焦社交礼仪丨Chinese Etiquette 中国人的礼节
There is an intricate etiquette system in China that has developed over thousands of years. While mastery of its twists ...
中国故事丨China Is at the Forefront of the Quantum Revolution 中国走在量子革命最前沿
More than a decade ago, Chinese physicist Pan Jian-Wei returned home from Europe to help oversee research into some of t...
中国故事丨A Guangzhou Guide to Yum Cha1 广州饮茶指南
Acclaimed as the food capital of China, Guangzhou has lavish2 delicacies3 to offer gourmands4. Arguably, its most famed ...
文苑丨The Roads We Take 我们选择的道路
Twenty miles west of Tucson1 the “Sunset Express” stopped at a tank to take on water. Besides the aqueous addition the e...
文苑丨The Battle of the Red and the Black Ants 红蚂蚁大战黑蚂蚁
One day when I went out to my wood-pile, or rather my pile of stumps, I observed two large ants, the one red, the other ...
环球万象丨Great Migration: The African-American Exodus North 大迁徙:非裔美国人北迁
Between 1915 and 1970, more than 6 million African-Americans moved out of the South to cities across the Northeast, Midw...
环球万象丨The Complex Physics Behind Bending It Like a World Cup Player 弧线球背后的复杂物理
The gems of every World Cup are the impossible goals. Cristiano Ronaldo bending it in over the wall against Spain in the...
经济视野丨Foodtech Innovation in China 中国食品科技创新
Economists around the world have closely watched Chinese consumers for several years as indicators of global economic gr...
科技天地丨Reading the Sky 观天知天气
Long before the weather channel, our pioneer ancestors and native tribes looked for signs in nature to forecast the weat...
网络时代丨Internet Slang Is More Sophisticated Than It Seems 网络用语比看起来更精妙
These are tough times for grammar snobs, those would-be avatars of flawless spelling and proper syntax who need look no ...
艺坛丨The Poet 《诗人》
What Chagall was aiming at in meaning and form in the little portrait study of Mazin1 is made surprisingly evident by Th...
读书丨 Gandhi: The Years That Changed the World, 1914-1948 《甘地改变世界:1914―1948》
There is much to admire about Gandhi, the 20th century’s politician and a perfect subverter1 of power and political logi...
行走天下丨The Essential Guide to Backpacking China’s Silk Road 丝路中国背包游
The section of the ancient Silk Road that runs through China is an epic journey through desert dunes1 to the end of the ...
演讲词丨The Spider’s Bite 我被蜘蛛咬伤的故事
When I was in middle school, a poisonous spider bit my right hand. I ran to my mom for help, but instead of taking me to...
教育丨Ways to Build Character in Children 塑造儿童品格的方法
In some schools, structured character education is a part of the curriculum, right alongside reading, writing, and math....
史海钩沉丨The First Fireworks Came from a Quest for Immortality 烟花:追求长生的意外产物
One thousand years before the first Fourth of July1, the first fireworks exploded2. It didn’t rain twinkling stars or li...
心境丨Why We Pick Difficult Partners 人为什么会选难相处的伴侣
Theoretically, we are free to select the kind of person we love. We might have chosen someone else. We’re not being forc...
才见肥猪财拱户,又迎金鼠福临门。2020年是鼠年,“鼠”自然成为热门话题。 在汉语文化中,鼠代表智慧。汉语中的“鼠”可褒可贬。贬义词相对较多:无名鼠辈、抱头鼠窜、蚁溃鼠骇、蝇营鼠窥、鼠盗狗窃等。含有“鼠”的褒义词也不是没有:罗雀掘鼠、相鼠有...
“着力培养选拔党和人民需要的好干部”一文在讨论“怎样是好干部”这一问题时,指出好干部的标准就是德才兼备(good officials should be of moral integrity and professional compete...
谭译录丨Julie’s Wolf Pack (Excerpt V)《朱莉的狼群》(节选五)
Kapu turned into the wind. The pack turned into the wind. Their ruffs and manes swept back. They squinted to protect the...
谭译录丨下雪的季节 The Season of Snow
下雪的季節,稀罕的,也就是那个雪哟! “千里冰封,万里雪飘”的世界晶莹剔透,银装素裹;“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象”的大地玉洁冰清,清爽而浪漫2。 我喜欢下雪,喜欢看那悄无声息、飘然而至的漫天飞舞的大雪;喜欢在飞雪中傻站着,看自己转眼间变成须发皆白...
谭译录丨漫谈翻译腔 (上)
笔者从事了几十年的翻译教学,对“翻译腔”(translationese)可谓再熟悉不过了。“翻译腔”指译文不符合译入语(target language,亦称“目的语”“目标语”)的习惯表达方式。语句词序、句子结构乃至用词等都有问题,因而译文...
学苑丨《浮生六记》英译阅读与讨论 (一)
沈復的《浮生六记》目前有三个译本: 1. Six Chapters of A Floating Life(林语堂译) 2. Six Records of a Floating Life(Translated by Leonard Pratt...
英伦学堂丨Winner Takes All
By Andy Baxter (amended by Jon Porter) Imagine a horse race. At the end of the race there is a stick in the ground. The ...











电动车充电爆炸快递小哥命垂危 保险如何认定?




《小资CHIC!ELEGANCE》杂志_小资CHIC!ELEGANCE2021年第26期杂志封面,目录ED ITOR’S LETTER丨友谊的边界任何一种关系,都需要有“边界感”,而不...


