《英语世界》杂志2020年11期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦酒文化丨Dionysus and the Legend of Wine 狄俄尼索斯与酒的传说The Thracian God of Wine—Zagreus is thought to be the inspiration for ...

聚焦酒文化丨Dionysus and the Legend of Wine 狄俄尼索斯与酒的传说
The Thracian God of Wine—Zagreus is thought to be the inspiration for the Greek God of Wine Dionysus1 who is more widely...
聚焦酒文化丨The Great British Pub美妙的英国酒吧
Renowned the world over, the great British pub is not just a place to drink beer, wine, cider or even something a little...
聚焦酒文化丨Drinking Etiquette Around the World世界各地的饮酒礼仪
Drinking is not just a habit, but a secret language that binds people all over the world. When traveling abroad for work...
聚焦酒文化丨How to Select the Perfect Wine 葡萄酒选购指南
The three “P”s of selecting wines are Price, Preference, Pairing. Keep these in mind when visiting your local wine merch...
聚焦酒文化丨Chinese Wine 中国葡萄酒史
The Chinese do not see wine as one of the necessities of life, but the culture of wine has made, and continues to make, ...
聚焦酒文化丨5 Tips About Chinese Drinking Culture 五点透视中国饮酒文化
Perhaps you are a corporate manager who is about to attend a few business dinners in China, or maybe you are meeting you...
中国故事丨With New Pride in Its Past, China Raises the Curtain on the Forbidden City 故宫:让历史展露新的骄傲
For much of the past century, the Forbidden City has been an imposing1 void in the otherwise bustling heart of Beijing. ...
文苑丨The Night Migrations 夜徙
This is the moment when you see again the red berries of the mountain ash and in the dark sky the birds’ night migration...
文苑丨Déjà Vu 似曾相识
Neighbors who came across the old colonel lately, often described him as drifting in some dreamy trance. Indeed, having ...
☞ 支持灵活就业 Support flexible employment. ? 依靠改革激发市场主体活力,增强发展新动能 Energizing market entities through reform and strengtheni...
文苑丨To Read or Not to Read读,还是不读
Books, I fancy, may be conveniently divided into three classes: 1. Books to read, such as Cicero’s Letters, Suetonius1, ...
环球万象丨Myths About Political Speechwriting 政治演说写手之迷思
Speechwriters are rarely figures of public note. The job is more often than not a quiet grind. Americans are predisposed...
环球万象丨A Nation of Gardeners “花痴”之国 Britons dig in for the lockdown.英国人“刨土抗疫”
Sue Biggs, director-general of the Royal Horticultural Society1 (RHS), a gardening charity, was “quite fearful” when the...
经济视野丨How to Start a Business Before Age 25 25岁前创业要诀
By the age of 24, Richard Zelson already knew the ins and outs1 of running his own business. In 2013, the young entrepre...
科技天地丨8 Technology Trends to Watch in the COVID-19 Pandemic 新冠疫情中的八大科技趋势
During the COVID-19 pandemic, technologies are playing a crucial role in keeping our society functional in a time of loc...
网络时代丨A Parallel Chinese-Language Internet Helps Immigrants Navigate Life in America美国平行中文网为移民导航
When Grace Hui moved to Los Angeles from China in 2014 and Googled the Chinese characters for “Los Angeles immigrant,” t...
艺坛丨Parasite Review: “It Grips from First Frame to Last”《寄生虫》影评:“从头到尾扣人心弦”
Expectations are always high going into a Bong Joon-ho film, with the South Korean director having amassed quite the CV ...
艺坛丨The Concert《音乐会》
A good example of Chagall’s use of the new autonomy of colour is The Concert (oil on canvas, 140 cm × 239.5 cm), pa...
读书丨Shakespeare’s Originality评《莎士比亚的原创性》
Shakespeare inhabited a literary culture in which imitation was applauded. This erudite study teases out1 his alchemical...
人物丨Rewi Alley, the Guiding Genius1领路天才路易·艾黎
Several foreign advisors have rendered distinguished service to the Chinese Government during the war, and nearly all of...
教育丨Helping Kids Deal with Bullies对校园霸凌说不
Each day, 10-year-old Seth asked his mom for more and more lunch money. Yet he seemed skinnier than ever and came home f...
提及“增长点”,大多数人立刻会联想到相关搭配“经济增长点”;而对习惯于见到汉语即思考英文的人来说,马上会考虑其英语对应的说法。个别手潮译者恐怕还会不假思索地想到growth point。英语中固然有此表述,但它并非我们所谓的“增长点”,英文...
酒在中国有着悠久的历史。2017年美国有线电视新闻网评选出“世界上最爱喝酒的国家”,中国位列第二。 酒是人们生活中的一大享受。“酒”有许多美名 ,如“琼浆玉液”(nectar)、“天禄”(award for the emperor)、“流霞...
谭译录丨The Cats of Roxville Station (Excerpt IV)《罗克斯维尔火车站的猫》(节选四)
Several days passed without food, and Rachet was ravenous. She climbed out of the tire late in the afternoon and scanned...
谭译录丨柿子如丹缀秋暖Persimmons Red, Autumn Aglow
疫情期间宅在家中,闲来无事,没有什么比看书更能怡情忘忧的了。青霞最近专攻张爱玲,送来两本皇冠出版的书:许子东撰写的《细读张爱玲》和宋以朗主编的《张爱玲私语录》,我俩各自翻阅起来,又增添了不少日常聊天的话题。 《张爱玲私语录》辑录的是张爱玲和...
第四届世界中医翻译大赛,收到有效参赛译文近千份,创历年新高。普遍水平有所提高,亦不乏相应问题,值得分析、归纳。 一、概念之下探深意 全文首先涉及一些中西医似乎都有的概念, 如“健康”“生理”“病理”“健康模式”等,需弄清其深层含义。 就标题...
小幽默丨Turkey Fun Facts
◆ Turkey quite possibly didn’t feature on the first Thanksgiving menu. The records point more towards a duck or a goose....
英伦学堂丨The End of British Pub Culture?
British beer and pubs are famous around the world. Things are changing, however. Is this the end of a great British trad...









近期,汽车芯片主要生产国日本和美国分别遭遇地震、寒潮冲击,叠加新冠肺炎疫情持续影响,全球汽车芯片缺货加剧。IHS Markit数据显示,全球汽车芯片供应短缺可能会持续到第三季度。机构指出,我国突破芯片难求局面的关键在...



目录教育改革研究丨新高考改革背景下高校的使命与行动路径[摘 要]新高考改革是当前我国的重大教育事件,具有多重积极价值,但在实施过程中引发了若干需要予以重视的问题。高考改革与高校改革相互作用,与高校招生具有紧密联系...



路透社:拜登政府增加对华为供应商的新限制【环球网报道 记者 张晓雅】英国路透社12日消息称,美国拜登政府增加了对华为供应商的新限制。报道援引消息人士的话说,拜登政府本周修订了向华为出售产品的有关企业的许可,此举...


