《英语世界》杂志2021年04期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦角色扮演丨An Overview of Cosplay1: Exploring the Subculture角色扮演亚文化纵览To some, cosplaying is a hobby. To others, cosplaying...

聚焦角色扮演丨An Overview of Cosplay1: Exploring the Subculture角色扮演亚文化纵览
To some, cosplaying is a hobby. To others, cosplaying is a lifestyle. Whether you have participated in cosplay or not, c...
聚焦角色扮演丨Meet the Woman Who Invented Cosplay遇见角色扮演之母
Myrtle R. Douglas, otherwise known as Morojo, rarely gets the credit she deserves for the worldwide phenomenon. 角色扮演如今風靡...
聚焦角色扮演丨The Origin Stories of 10 Cool Cosplay Terms角色扮演十大术语的由来
Cosplay and convention culture can trace their roots back to at least the 1970s, when in the U.S. fans began to appear a...
聚焦角色扮演丨The Psychology Behind Cosplay角色扮演背后的心理学
Cosplayers can invest considerable time, money and effort into crafting or commissioning head-to-toe presentations that ...
聚焦角色扮演丨Cosplay Is a Business and It Is Suffering角色扮演行业正在遭受冲击
The novel coronavirus pandemic has become an international crisis. In the world of fandom, pop culture conventions are b...
It’s been three years since I learned the rudiments 1 of the Tai-Chi “forms,” as they’re called. Slow-motion kung fu—tha...
文苑丨Around the Corner就在拐角处
The landing was dark. He stood for a moment while his eyes adjusted to it. The walls were drab and damp. He stared at th...
文苑丨A Hunger for Words1对文字感到饥渴
Where I live, bushes turn green in late April or early May, and are soon populated by butterfly cocoons. These look like...
环球万象丨Larger Communities Create More Systematic Languages群体越大,语言越系统
An experiment that asked different sized groups to invent a new language has revealed that community size plays an impor...
经济视野丨Why Now Is the Time for “Open Innovation”为什么现在要“开放式创新”
Amidst the gloom and doom of the early months of the Covid-19 crisis, something surprisingly uplifting started to happen...
网络时代丨How Remote Education Is Evolving During the Crisis危机期间的远程教育
Over the last decade, online education has grown significantly, especially for adult learners who want to earn a degree ...
科技天地丨Dream-shaping Tech from MIT麻省理工学院的造梦技术
MIT scientists have figured out how to manipulate your dreams by combining an app with a sleep-tracking device called Do...
艺坛丨Portrait of Victor Chocquet《维克多·肖凯肖像》
A kind of fame belongs to this otherwise obscure customs office clerk: he was friend and sitter to some of the greatest ...
艺坛丨Six Odd Details Hidden in Masterpieces艺术杰作中的六个怪诞细节
Great works of art contain touches of strangeness that, once seen, unlock deeper meaning. 杰出的艺术作品中包含着怪诞的细节,一旦留意到它们,就能领略作...
教育丨Reading with Intention Can Change Your Life读有所图,改变人生
A random sampling of the world’s most successful people will show one common trait: a love of reading. Reading is the ea...
行走天下丨Best Day Trips from Tokyo东京周边最佳一日游
Tokyo is bursting with energy, excitement and an endless list of things to do. But as the nation’s capital and home to o...
史海钩沉丨6 Famous Curses and Their Origins六个著名诅咒及起源
Throughout history, people have promoted stories of curses for a variety of reasons. To sports fans, curses can help exp...
人物丨The Storyteller讲故事的人
With her innovative albums, a ballet, and an opera, the musical genius elevates1 neglected pieces of Southern history to...
阅读《习近平谈治国理政》时,读者会发现总书记谙熟中华传统文化,不时结合现实引经据典、论理说情,颇接地气。品读此类文章,读者不但能感受到领袖的家国情怀,而且能感悟到领袖博观约取的文化底蕴。 今天我们择选“青年要自觉践行社会主义核心价值观”一文...
词林漫步丨 “字典”的英文
我们学习语文离不开词语工具书,而这类工具书,我们多半习惯统称为“字典”。 “字典”的说法肇始于《康熙字典》。由于《康熙字典》的地位与影响力,词语工具书便逐渐统称为字典,不管是解“字”的字典,还是说“词”的词典。当然,“字典”的说法之所以深植...
谭译录丨Draba 葶苈
Within a few weeks now Draba, the smallest flower that blows, will sprinkle every sandy place with small blooms. He who ...
谭译录丨清明的追忆 In Memory of Step-grandpa1
清明节到了,正是给已故的人扫墓上坟的日子。在我的亲戚中,有两位亲人已故了:一位是我的爷爷,在我一岁多的时候就去世2了,另一位是我的后姥爷,他是前几年去世的。妈妈很小的时候父母就离异了。姥姥便改嫁给他——我的后姥爷。 我虽然见过爷爷,但已经没...
侵犯財产罪(crimes against property)在美国极为普遍。根据联邦调查局(FBI)的数据,全美每年约有700〜800万起侵犯财产的案件。侵犯财产罪的范围从轻罪(misdemeanors)到重罪(serious feloni...
应试点津丨2019年12月大学英语四、六级 作文试题评析(三)
四 级 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn ...
英伦学堂丨Music Improves Energy Levels
Exercise and music Many runners and gym members feel that music makes exercise more enjoyable. However, they might not k...









发布会意在“寻找和吸引人才,帮助公司改进Autopilot和FSD,将全自动驾驶软件提升到一个新的水平”21世纪经济报道记者 彭苏平 报道北京时间8月20日上午9点左右,预热多时的“特斯拉AI日”终于开始。特斯拉首席执行官Elon Mus...








