《英语世界》杂志2022年05期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦母职丨Matrescence: The Developmental Transition to Motherhood孕乳期:转变为母亲的过程A body, mind and hormone shift that sounds lik...

聚焦母职丨Matrescence: The Developmental Transition to Motherhood孕乳期:转变为母亲的过程
A body, mind and hormone shift that sounds like “adolescence”. 堪比“青春期”的生理、心理和荷爾蒙之变。 Though many of us have tried to bloc...
聚焦母职丨The Motherhood Penalty: We’re Losing Talent to Caregiving母职惩罚:育儿埋没英才
When women in the workplace talk about their children, they’re often seen as distracted. When men talk about their child...
聚焦母职丨Michelle Wu’s Motherhood in Her Historic Boston Mayoral Win波士顿新任市长创历史:为人母助力赢选举
The election of Michelle Wu as Boston’s new mayor is historic. Wu’s election, as NPR noted, “broke a 199-year streak of ...
聚焦母职丨On the Complexities of Motherhood: A Reading List一份书单带你读懂复杂母性
One of the first questions readers ask me about my novel, Burnt Sugar, is whether I drew from my own experience to write...
聚焦母职丨The Most Iconic Movies About Motherhood最经典的母性题材电影
Mothers are the heart and soul of a family; at their best, they are pillars of strength and unconditional love who help ...
中国故事丨Looking East at the Future of Logistics物流未来看东方
The logistics arm of Alibaba, Cainiao, has been pioneering warehouse automation within China, as online shopping has bee...
文苑丨The Unhappy Body不快乐的身体
“Why do you not dance with us and rejoice with us?” they said to a certain body. And then that body made the confession ...
文苑丨On the Downs在山冈上
We spread our lunch on the crown of one of those great billows of the downs2 that stand along the sea. Down in the hollo...
环球万象丨Kulning: A Hypnotic Swedish Singing Tradition“库尔宁”:一种有魔力的瑞典歌唱传统
Skallskog is a secluded farm without running water or electricity that most Swedes have never heard of. Hidden deep in t...
环球万象丨Trash and Treasure垃圾与财富
It’s now a hundred times more lucrative to mine gold from e-dumps than from the ground. A new show reflects on how we ca...
经济视野丨All Mouth and No Trousers大辞职潮:雷声大雨点小
As the effects of the Spanish ?u2 waned in 1919, Seattle’s workers agitated. Many were fed up with long hours and poor p...
科技天地丨This Robot Looks Like a Pancake and Jumps Like a Maggot能持续跳跃的扁平无腿机器人
Researchers designed a soft, legless robot that can hop and navigate obstacle courses. 研究人員设计了一种可以跳跃和绕过障碍物的无腿软体机器人。 If a...
网络时代丨AI Is Learning to Identify Toxic Online Content人工智能学习识别网上恶意内容
Machine-learning systems could help flag hateful, threatening or offensive language. 機器学习系统可帮助标记仇恨性、威胁性或攻击性言论。 Social pl...
艺坛丨Time Transfixed《凝固的时间》
Time Transfixed is an oil on canvas painting by Rene Magritte. It is part of the permanent collection of the Art Institu...
人物丨The Secrets to Adele’s Success阿黛尔的成功秘诀
Adele, the most famous and successful mononymous1 person in music since Prince2, is having yet another moment. Her 30 al...
教育丨Why Education Is Everyone’s Business教育是大家的事儿
In 1967, more than 85% of students said their college education was important for “developing a meaningful philosophy of...
史海钩沉丨Viking History: Facts & Myths维京人历史之真真假假
The Vikings were a seafaring people from the late eighth to early 11th century who established a name for themselves as ...
英语里有很多词表示“杯子”,最常用的有glass、cup和mug。glass的原义是玻璃,进而这个词也可以指玻璃杯。低矮直筒的杯子常被称为tumbler,比较大的冷水杯称为jar、jug或mug,量杯称为measuring glass,也称...
词林漫步丨hit me on the head和hit my head
hit me on the head是常见短语,所以中学老师就悟出了一条貌似合理之理:hit me on the head是“打我的頭”的惯用法。情况是否真的如此?更直接的hit my head为什么罕用(外网上是能够查到用例的)?让我们从...
这一期是希腊词根第5期。在继续往下进行之前,旧雨新知不妨先回顾一下,重点掌握前期精要,这就像是电视连续剧,在新的一集主戏上演之前,总要先播一小段前情提要。 (1) cardio-(心)【cardiovascular(心血管的)】 (2) c...
谭译录丨My Mother Coming to See Me母亲来看我
To add to the excitement2, a few months after I obtained Chinese citizenship my mother came to visit us. We had been tal...
谭译录丨李约瑟的疑惑Needham’s Puzzle
李约瑟,研究中国科技史的著名英国学者,写出了六卷本的《中国科学技术史》,但有个问题一直困扰1着他:“中国古代科学技术很发达,为什么没有产生近代科学”? Joseph Needham, a well-known British scholar...
约翰·本森(John Benson,?—1667)大概是有据可稽的第一个对莎士比亚十四行诗集中的同性恋不满且不忍心玷污莎士比亚名声的人。他这么做最有力的证据,是把被视为真本的1609年《莎士比亚十四行诗集》(Shakespeare...
英伦学堂丨Bodysurfing (Dolphins Know What’s Best)
Dolphins love waves I have been lucky enough to be right next to dolphins playing in perfect surf, using the power of th...



《睿士》杂志_睿士2020年第5期杂志封面,目录卷首语丨两个需要被记得的人鲍毓明 当!手机推送一条新闻:杰瑞集团发布声明,与鲍毓明解除劳动关系;第二天,又是来自手机的新闻推送,全国人民...














