《英语世界》杂志2022年08期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦生物技术丨7 Things to Know About Biotechnology通过七个方面了解生物技术The term biotechnology represents a fusion or an alliance betwe...

聚焦生物技术丨7 Things to Know About Biotechnology通过七个方面了解生物技术
The term biotechnology represents a fusion or an alliance between biology and technology. Frankly speaking, biotechnolog...
聚焦生物技术丨Biotechnology: A Flag of Many Colors绚丽多彩的生物技术
Although there are many ways to classify biotechnology, the use of a color code is actually the most popular one. This i...
聚焦生物技术丨The Disadvantages of Biotechnology生物技术的弊端
The benefits of biotechnology can range from reducing environmental pollution to involvement in medical and industrial p...
聚焦生物技术丨How is Biotechnology Used in Everyday Life?生物技术如何用于日常生活?
Biotechnology plays a huge role in our everyday lives—from the clothes we wear to how we wash them, the food we eat to h...
聚焦生物技术丨9 Scientists Behind Modern Biotech助推现代生物技术发展的九位科学家
Over the last 25 years, biotech has become a burgeoning worldwide industry. It only became the success it is today on th...
聚焦生物技术丨The 5 Biggest Biotech Trends in 20222022年生物技术五大潮流
Steve Jobs once said that the biggest innovations in the 21st century would be at the intersection of biology and techno...
中国故事丨Meet the “Dancing Grannies”走近“广场舞大妈”
The women usually gather in the squares early in the mornings and evenings, sometimes wearing matching outfits, preparin...
文苑丨Welcome Home宾至如归
The taste of freedom. 品尝自由的味道。 The sentient construct of the late Tunde Lankham had lingered in sleep mode for months, a...
文苑丨A Life Beyond Sports超越运动的人生
I’ve had second thoughts2, and my second thoughts have done double-takes3, wondering why the cliche “do or die” has been...
环球万象丨Surprising Customs from Around the World世界各地的奇风异俗
We’ve all heard that it’s a small world, but is it really? People have such different lifestyles that what feels like a ...
经济视野丨5 Misconceptions About Remote Work对远程办工的五个误解
I used to fit my life around my job. Now I’m accustomed to fitting my job into my life. 我過去总是在工作中生活。但现在我更习惯于在生活中工作。 Two ...
科技天地丨Vegan Agriculture全素农业
Vegan farming has become more and more popular. It is one of the most environmentally-friendly forms of agriculture. Veg...
网络时代丨Live Streamers and the Boredom Factor网络主播与无聊因素
Live streaming is booming, with viewers watching nearly 4 billion hours of live stream, in the gaming sector alone, in 2...
艺坛丨The Dark Side of Joel on “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》中乔尔的阴暗面
The Amazon prime1 show “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” follows its titular character, Midge Maisel (Rachel Brosnahan), a for...
Golconda depicts a scene of nearly identical men dressed in dark overcoats and bowler hats, who seem to be drops of heav...
人物丨He’ll Always Be Elvis永远的猫王
There’s plenty of kitsch1 to indulge in on a visit to Graceland, the estate-turned-tourist-mecca2 where Elvis3 lived for...
演讲词丨How Do We Want to Become?我们想如何成长?
In her book “The Argonauts,” Maggie Nelson writes, “Evolution strikes me as infinitely more spiritually profound than Ge...
教育丨Homeschoolers Use the Internet, Too.在家学习者也用因特网
Expand Internet connectivity for all kids, not just those in public school.为所有孩子,而不仅仅是公立学校的孩子,扩展因特网连接。 As pandemic lockd...
时尚丨The Design of Your Life设计生活
Those old sci-fi movies were wrong. The twenty-first century doesn’t look at all the way they said it would. We citizens...
“桌椅板凳”是汉语家具名词。其英语的对应词分别是table/desk、chair/bench、stool。可是,table/desk、chair/bench、stool可以另引申出别的意思。 table的意思是a piece of furn...
和之前一样,我们还是先温故知新,重点回顾一下迄今为止学过的希腊词根: (1) cardio-(心)【cardiovascular(心血管的)】 (2) cephalo-(头)【cephalopod(头足类动物)】 (3) encephalo...
由于中文和英文在结构及表述习惯方面的差别,翻译过程中经常需要进行结构调整,而主语的调整则是经常发生的。我们在“英汉口译策略与方法(四)”中曾经讨论过英汉翻译中主语的调整,例如: The United Nations General Asse...
谭译录丨Charlie’s Raven (Excerpt I)查理的渡鸦(节选一)
Gee, maybe the people who think ravens are supernatural are right, he mused. Yellow fog and a rogue wind while I’m robbi...
谭译录丨登土山Climbing the Earthen Mountain
The Covid-19 sealed off the campus, and the campus sealed off the students, but it was not able to seal off the souls tr...
学苑丨心怀星空,筑梦月球We are go: the moon
【题解】 We are (a) go是We are ready to go的口语化表达,义为“一切准备就绪”。这个短语最早兴起于20世纪60年代的美国,航空飞行任务前,控制人员检查发射状态,术语为go/no go poll,以表示“已准备好...
发现占有(acquisition by find)是美国财产法中一种常见的占有权,主要是指对所发现的动产的占有。一般而言,当一件物品不在真正的所有人中,而被他人在公共场所捡到时,法院会认定为“发现物”(found property)。英美普...
四级 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled “Is Technology Making People Lazy?” ...
英伦学堂丨Edinburgh Summer Festivals
Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, is famous for its summer festivals. Edinburgh is the world’s festival city. The...


波黑总理诺瓦利奇感染新冠病毒 参加活动出现症状

当地时间7月13日下午18时,波黑媒体报道称,波黑联邦总理诺瓦利奇(Fadil Novali?)新冠病毒检测报告显示阳性。波黑联邦总理诺瓦利奇(Fadil Novali?)...


青海湖管理局局长受贿获刑4年 曾是全国优秀县委书记






中芯国际公告称梁孟松仍担任联席CEO 曾提出辞职






