《英语世界》杂志2022年09期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦考古丨A Brief History of Archaeology考古简史The word “archaeology” comes from the Greek word “arkhaios,” which means “ancie...

聚焦考古丨A Brief History of Archaeology考古简史
The word “archaeology” comes from the Greek word “arkhaios,” which means “ancient.” Although some archaeologists study l...
聚焦考古丨Unexpected Things About Archaeology考古出乎意料的几件事
Archaeology is an amazing career. We get to explore and debate how life has been and can be lived, and we get to share t...
聚焦考古丨How Do Archaeologists Find Sites?考古学家怎样发现遗址?
There are a bunch of different methods that archaeologists use to get an idea of where a past settlement might be. 考古学家有...
聚焦考古丨Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries十大考古发现
Archaeological discoveries unravel secrets and challenge our ideas about human history. Here are ten discoveries that do...
聚焦考古丨5 of the Most Interesting Archaeological Artifacts from History历史上最有趣的五件文物
Archaeology is the soul of history since it continuously provides real artifacts and evidence, based on which historical...
聚焦考古丨The Most Embarrassing Archaeological Blunders令人啼笑皆非的考古乌龙
The Persian Princess 波斯公主 In 2000, Pakistani authorities came into possession of a unique artifact that had been put on ...
聚焦考古丨Future Threats and Challenges to Archaeology考古学未来的威胁与挑战
In any age, there are unique threats and challenges facing academic archaeology, the industry and conservation of archae...
中国故事丨China Is on Course to Build the Best Cars in the World中国正在打造世界上最好的汽车
Europeans and other western nations have dominated automotive excellence for over a century. 一个多世纪以来,欧洲等西方国家一直主导着汽车行业的发展...
文苑丨My Job 我的工作
My job is to follow a set routine, working on a factory line. 我的工作是按照既定程序,在生产线上干活儿。 I take the same train to my workplac...
文苑丨The Thin Red Line细细的红线
In the days before the Internet, I came to see that one of the characteristics that really distinguished OED entries was...
环球万象丨7 Things You Can Do to Be More Successful助力成功七件事
Success looks different for everyone. For one person, it could mean getting a promotion or creating a better work-life b...
经济视野丨Robots Are Coming for Jobs—But Stealthily机器人悄然进军职场
Look beneath the aggregate economic numbers, and change is afoot. 總体经济数据显示,变化大幕已启。 The year is 2021, and honestly there ...
科技天地丨Where Fat Goes When You Lose Weight减肥后脂肪去哪儿了
The world is obsessed with fad1 diets and weight loss, yet few of us know how a kilogram of fat actually vanishes off th...
网络时代丨Digital Memorialisation for a Global Age全球化时代的数字纪念
Virtual sites of memorialisation of mass atrocities1, from web pages and blogs to social media, have proliferated this c...
Certainly no one would mistake the Seducer, painted in 1953, for an ordinary landscape. A ship floats alone on an ideal ...
人物丨The 10 Most Important Things I’ve Learned About Trust关于信任:最重要的十件往事
George P. Shultz is a former U.S. secretary of labor, treasury and state, and was director of the Office of Management a...
读书丨Aftermath Is a Piercing Study of Germany After 1945《后果》深度解读二战后的德国
The road from the Third Reich to modern Germany began in a field of rubble. The second world war had left behind enough ...
心境丨Becoming a Working Dad爸爸工作带娃两不误
Among the transitions people face in their lives, becoming a parent may be the most consequential. The fact that this li...
词林漫步丨The Meaning and Origin of the Phrase: Union Jack Union Jack 的含义和由来
The Union Jack is the popular name of the national flag of the United Kingdom. Union Jack是英国国旗的俗称。 Two subjects that aro...
依惯例,我们温故知新,回顾一下之前正式介绍过的希腊词根: (1) cardio-(心)【cardiovascular(心血管的)】 (2) cephalo-(头)【cephalopod(头足类动物)】 (3) encephalo-(脑)【e...
谭译录丨Growing Up in Brooklyn1布鲁克林成长记
We lived on the third floor of a five-storey walk-up in the Boro Park section of Brooklyn in 1919, from which I date my ...
谭译录丨Wonder of the Night夜的奇迹
Everything under the heavens1 lied still, engulfed in darkness. I slipped quietly into a dark forest2. Stars were silent...
今天,还没放弃幻想的家长看孩子做贺卡的时候,有没有想过,“教师节快乐”这句英文,到底怎么写?二选一: 1. Happy Teacher’s Day 2. Happy Teachers’ Day 如果你对英语、对翻译是有要求的,你必然要问:上...
专利保护的是“新的”(new)发明。美国专利法将用于判断发明新颖性的材料(references)统称为“现有技术”(prior art)。1若一项发明的权利请求项在单个现有技术(a single prior art)中被描述或披露(disc...
四级 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled “Do Violent Video Games Increase Agg...
英伦学堂丨Body Language Can Improve Your Presentations
Pre-reading task You are going to read an article about why body language is important and some techniques for appearing...



目录特别关注丨抚长剑兮玉珥 缪锵鸣兮琳琅任何艺术成果都是时代的产物。纵观历朝历代的中国古玉,战国玉器那种犀利、道劲、强势和张扬的气韵,是任何朝代都不能比拟和仿效的。这种特色鲜明的时代风格,一方面固然与社会生产力...





申万宏源咋了?总裁到任一年就离职 核心高管也离职




目录本刊特稿丨新冠肺炎疫情对我国农业发展的影响与应对举措摘 要:新冠肺炎疫情的爆发对粮食种植业、畜牧养殖业、种业、休闲农业、农产品加工业、蔬菜业、水果业、花卉业等产业发展,都会带来一定的负面影响。为减少新冠...





