《英语世界》杂志2023年03期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦极简生活丨What Is Minimalism?何为极简主义?Part of minimalism is the deliberate alternative and counter to consumerism. 从某些方面看,极...

聚焦极简生活丨What Is Minimalism?何为极简主义?
Part of minimalism is the deliberate alternative and counter to consumerism. 从某些方面看,极简主义是特别针对消费主义的一种替代和反对。 Consumerism h...
聚焦极简生活丨A Brief History of Minimalism极简主义简史
Is there a standard definition of minimalist living? Should you define it on your own or adopt someone else’s? To answer...
聚焦极简生活丨How to Live a Minimalist Lifestyle极简生活如何过
Minimalism can take many forms; the important part is to figure out your flavor of minimalism and optimize your life tow...
聚焦极简生活丨Top 5 Best Books on Minimalism关于极简主义的五本佳作
Did the merciless claws of consumerism catch you on your path to become a minimalist and you were in desperate need to b...
聚焦极简生活丨Minimalism Can Be Found Around the World世界各地的极简主义
Minimalism refers to an ongoing quest to pare down one’s belongings to what is essential. This concept has gained popula...
聚焦极简生活丨Eight Misconceptions of a Minimalist Lifestyle对极简生活的八个误解
While going small and breaking out of “The More Virus” sounds terrific, many of us still doubt a minimalist lifestyle. S...
中国故事丨Chinese and Western Culture: Hot Water vs Cold Water中西文化冲突:喝热水还是喝冷水?
Why do Chinese people drink hot water? Many westerners find it so interesting that they always see Chinese people carry ...
“I wish that spring would come more often now that it is here,” said Simple. “既然春天已经来了,我就希望它能多来几次。”桑普勒说。 “How could it c...
文苑丨A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy带来欢乐的鹬
She was six years old when I first met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach, a distance of three or...
文苑丨O Tell Me the Truth About Love噢,请告诉我什么是爱情的真谛
Some say love’s a little boy, And some say it’s a bird, Some say it makes the world go round, Some say that’s absurd, An...
环球万象丨Preserving Italy’s Famed Wildflower Bloom from Overtourism过度旅游伤环境,意大利野生花海须保护
Once a year, the single gravel road that leads to the tiny Italian village of Castelluccio di Norcia1 becomes a front-ro...
经济视野丨Hybrid Work Hurdles to Overcome要克服的混合办公障碍
As the Great Resignation continues, managers attempting to hold on to top talent are confronting more and more difficult...
科技天地丨Could Climate Change Make Humans Go Extinct?气候变化会让人类灭绝吗?
The impacts of climate change are here with soaring temperatures, stronger hurricanes, intensified floods and a longer a...
艺坛丨Light of the Harem《闺房的光》
Light of the Harem allowed artist Frederic Leighton to display his ingenious artistic skills with regard to architectura...
读书丨Novels Inspired by Greek Myths灵感源自希腊神话的书
When we think of Greek myths we think of vengeful gods, legendary heroes, sweeping love affairs and dastardly deeds. The...
行走天下丨The Most Beautiful Road Trips Around the World全球最美公路旅行线
You could say that life is one big road trip, but that is bordering a little too close to poetry. Why not just go on a b...
史海钩沉丨What Was Life Like for Medieval Peasants?中世纪农民的生活是怎样的?
For the average person in Medieval Europe, life was nasty, brutish and short. Around 85% of medieval people were peasant...
知识小品丨What Is a Photographic Memory?什么是照相记忆?
According to theories, a person with a photographic memory1 is capable of remembering scenes and events as detailed, pre...
Alexander是英语男性名字(first name),源自古希腊语,译名为“亚历山大”。例如: 1. British writer Alexander Pope was a central figure in the Neoclassi...
词林漫步丨Nice“兔” Meet U
金虎归山去,玉兔迎春来。2023年是中国农历兔年,人们喜欢“谈兔”(坦途),希望“钱”“兔”无量,渴望大展宏“兔”。 一、属相“兔”的英译 英语中的兔子有rabbit、bunny、hare三种“同素异形体”,其含义各不相同。rabbit为家...
嘗试通过不同的视角理解源语是一种有效的翻译认知方法,可以帮助突破语言表层形式的束缚,也可以加深对源语内涵的理解,发现源语和目标语之间的差别,从而采取较为适当的处理方法。 我们继续采用翻译实践中收集的例句进行说明。 例句1:预警系统分为三个级...
谭译录丨Travelling to Tongchuan1铜川之行
The next day, September 1, we started for Yan’an. We took a train at seven in the morning for Tongchuan, to the north, w...
谭译录丨My Eternal Butterfly1永远的蝴蝶
It was raining then. Wet and chilly, the asphalt pavement was flickering with lights in green, yellow and red. We were t...
律师辩论意见书属于以说服为目的的写作(persuasive writing)。律師为了说服法官做出有利于当事人的判决,需要在辩论意见书中将最有利于当事人的论点集中并且突出地呈现给法官,同时弱化不利于当事人的论点和法律依据(authority...
四级 Directions: Suppose you have just participated in a school project of collecting used books on campus. You are now to...
英伦学堂丨Breakfast in a Balloon
Why get out of bed in the middle of the night? In my opinion, there are very few good reasons for getting up at four in ...
英伦学堂丨Bees Solve a Problem
A recent experiment proves that bees can save time and energy when they fly around to different flowers. Behaviour Dr Ni...















【网易科技5月19日报道】国际博物馆日, Google艺术与文化宣布再添新的合作伙伴广州博物馆,并与中央美术学院美术馆合作推出基于增强现实技术的3D 展厅。据悉,Google艺术与文化与广州博物馆第一阶段的合作是共同挑选出5件...



当地时间4月6日,据朝鲜体育省官网“朝鲜体育”报道,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,朝鲜宣布不参加今年举行的东京奥运会。报道称,这一决定是在3月25日举行的朝鲜奥林匹克委员会总会上作出的。(总台记者 董海涛)...