《英语世界》杂志2021年05期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录识途篇丨翻译竞赛的“译”与“评”“翻译竞赛的‘译’与‘评’”是我在第十一届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛颁奖典礼上演讲的题目,我把主要思想写在这里,供读者思考。 翻译教学要坚持两条线,一是“译”,二是“评”,或者说是两个点,两者融为一体。通...

“翻译竞赛的‘译’与‘评’”是我在第十一届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛颁奖典礼上演讲的题目,我把主要思想写在这里,供读者思考。 翻译教学要坚持两条线,一是“译”,二是“评”,或者说是两个点,两者融为一体。通俗地讲,你不但要“会做”,也要“会说...
聚焦智慧城市丨What Does a Smart City Look Like? 智慧城市什么样?
Humans are flocking to cities, and cities are rapidly evolving—not just to accommodate more people, but to help them flo...
聚焦智慧城市丨Smart City Vs. Normal City: What Are the Differences? 智慧城市与普通城市有何差别?
Smart cities are a hot buzzword right now as cities all over the world look to how they can use new technologies. These ...
聚焦智慧城市丨A Smart City: More Than Just Tech 智慧城市不止科技
Boston wants to be smarter. The city has taken advantage of tiny sensors, big data and other technologies to become more...
聚焦智慧城市丨Smart City: The Top Stories of 2020 2020年智慧城市杰出案例
Smart city technology has proven powerful at helping cities around the world battle Covid-19, and it will continue to be...
聚焦智慧城市丨How the World Uses Digital Twins to Solidify Smart City Development 数字孪生助力智慧城市建设
A s the world becomes increasingly digital and data increases in value and volume, smart cities have grown to become a n...
聚焦智慧城市丨Covid-19 Unlocks the Potential of Smart Cities in China 新冠解锁中国智慧城市潜力
We are in the middle of another technology revolution. The digital economy will contribute 48% of GDP in China in 2035, ...
中国故事丨The Shenzhen Effect 深圳效应
China’s original ‘model’ city matters more than ever.中國原先的“示范”城市比以往任何时候都重要。 By 2035, China’s government expects over 70%...
文苑丨A Tent in Agony 痛苦的帐篷
Four men once came to a wet place in the roadless forest to fish. They pitched their tent fair upon the brow1 of a pine-...
文苑丨Mothering Without My Mom怀念母亲,传承母爱
10 years after my mom died, my daughter was born. I thought I’d reached the bottom of my grief. I was wrong. 媽妈去世十年之后,我的...
文苑丨Art Is How We Justify Our Existence艺术是人类存在的理由
Our technologies are tools. But our creative works carry the wisdom of the world. 科技是工具,而富有創造力的作品则是人类智慧的体现。 When I agree...
文苑丨The Hill We Climb我们攀登的山
When day comes we ask ourselves: Where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wa...
环球万象丨How a ‘Hamilton’ Song Helped Amanda GormanOvercome a Speech Impediment阿曼达·戈尔曼通过唱歌克服言语障碍
“For there is always light, If only we’re brave enough to see it, If only we’re brave enough to be it.” Those are the wo...
环球万象丨Putting the Wiggles1 Back in Rivers 复原曲流
Why thousands of waterways are having their curves restored Beneath the junction where Hobgrumble Gill meets Swindale Be...
经济视野丨How Covid Is Creating New Fintech Billionaires新冠疫情如何造就金融科技新富
Stay-at-home consumers and stimulus checks have been a boon1 for online installment financing, digital banks and day tra...
科技天地丨Tackling the Spread of Wilderness Fires with Digital Tech 利用数字技术应对野火蔓延
From the Amazon basin to northern Siberian forests, the wildfires are spreading. However, the technology used to tackle ...
网络时代丨Digital Gardens Let You Cultivate Your Own Little Bit of the Internet数字花园:你的专属网络空间
A growing number of people are creating individualized, creative sites that eschew the one-size-fits-all1 look and feel ...
艺坛丨Who Is Jia Ling?贾玲是谁?
Hi, Mom actress and filmmaker who made Chinese box office history during the Lunar New Year holiday has a sad family sto...
艺坛丨Dance in the Moulin de la Galette《煎饼磨坊的舞会》
“The world knew how to laugh in those days! Machinery had not absorbed all of life: you had leisure for enjoyment and no...
读书丨Newly Seen Letters Show Philip Larkin’s Close Relationship with Mother书信揭示拉金与母亲的亲密关系
Philip and Eva Larkin corresponded twice weekly for about 35 years, with the pair exchanging minute details of one anoth...
行走天下丨Most Beautiful Ancient Villages in China中国最美古村落
You might have heard a lot about ancient towns (like Lijiang Ancient Town, Pingyao Ancient Town, and Huangyao Ancient To...
2019年5月13日,习近平总书记主持召开中央政治局会议,决定从2019年6月开始,在全党自上而下分两批开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育。一些热心翻译的读者可能已经注意到了关于这场全国性学习活动的如下表述: 6月,我们国家在全党开展“不忘...
【譯者言】 前年上半年,北京外国语大学英语学院教师梁昊博士请我读一遍她翻译的书稿《中西文明对比》3,帮她把一下质量关。她1996年在北外读硕士,后又读博士,我都是她导师,她的请求我不能不答应;更重要的是,我看书中有许多论述西方文化的经典选篇...
谭译录丨中国梦 The Chinese Dream
1932年11月,在全國享有盛誉的《东方杂志》发起过一场主题为“于1933年新年大家做一回好梦”的征文活动。这场征文活动,旨在征求两个问题的答案:(一)先生梦想中的未来中国是怎样?(二)先生个人生活中有什么梦想? In November 1...
【编者按】 钢琴诗人傅聪不幸感染新冠病毒,于2020年12月28日在伦敦去世,令人哀伤!金圣华教授为纪念一代琴圣,特撰写《将人心深处的悲怆化为音符》一文,文中提到:傅雷与傅聪,一门双杰,在精神领域的追求上完全如出一辙。只要真正了解《傅雷家书...
翻译比赛丨第十二届 “北京师范大学-《英语世界》杯” 翻译大赛启事及原文
英伦学堂丨Computer Science
What would happen to the world if we took all the computers out of it tomorrow? What would happen if the Internet, which...









目录装饰装修丨建筑装饰工程中玻璃幕墙施工技术要点探讨摘 要:科学技术的不断发展对建筑装饰工程提出了新的要求,建筑外墙装饰不仅要适应现代审美趋势变化,而且还要具有一定的功能性。因此,玻璃幕墙在建筑装饰工程中得...








