《英语世界》杂志2022年11期最新目录订阅 / 杂志目录

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目录聚焦服饰文化丨The History of Clothing衣服的历史It is not certain when people first started wearing clothes, however, anthropologis...

聚焦服饰文化丨The History of Clothing衣服的历史
It is not certain when people first started wearing clothes, however, anthropologists estimate that it was somewhere bet...
聚焦服饰文化丨Prehistoric and Ancient Clothing史前和古代的服饰
What did prehistoric people wear? 史前人类穿什么? It is not known for sure when humans began wearing clothes but there is evide...
聚焦服饰文化丨Clothing and Personal Identity服装与个性
For eight years, I had to wear a uniform to school. While doing so, I never felt quite myself. The colors were boring, a...
聚焦服饰文化丨Traditional Dress Around the World世界各地的传统服饰
From the Indian sari, to the Vietnamese conical hat, the world is full of varieties of traditional dress. While some are...
聚焦服饰文化丨British Clothing Culture英国的服装文化
British clothing culture is a central aspect of life in Britain. Fashion trends, weather, and social norms all shape the...
聚焦服饰文化丨Chinese Costume Culture中国服饰文化
As a vital part of Chinese civilization, traditional costumes play an important role in the country’s history and cultur...
聚焦服饰文化丨The Future of Smart Clothing1智能服装的未来
New materials and devices could make clothes safer, comfier and more convenient. 新的材料和设计能让服装更安全、更舒适,也更便利。 Our clothes do...
中国故事丨China Thirsty for Skilled Workers amid Industrial Upgrade, Tech Self-sufficiency1产业升级与技术自给带动中国技能人才需求
Vocational education has great significance for promoting employment and entrepreneurship, boosting economic and social ...
文苑丨“Prisoner of War”“战俘”
Sahira was standing in the doorframe, watching her father grow transparent1 as the morning sun glowed in her bleach-whit...
文苑丨A Better Use of College Savings教育储蓄的更好用途
A year ago, my husband and I were sitting on a beach in Lake Tahoe1 watching our one-year-old son play in the water, tal...
环球万象丨Why Do We Say ‘Trick or Treat’ on Halloween?万圣节为何说“不给糖就捣蛋”?
Each Halloween, hordes of costumed kids trudge1 from door to door exclaiming the same phrase at each stop: “Trick or tre...
环球万象丨How to Behave: Qatari Culture Guide怎样做到举止得体:卡塔尔文化指南
When you decide to visit the World Cup football tournament in Qatar, it is advisable to delve into the background of the...
经济视野丨How Companies Can Prepare for High Inflation企业如何应对高通胀
While consumers generally dislike inflation because it erodes the purchasing power of their income, businesses desire a ...
科技天地丨Why Men and Women Feel Temperature Differently为什么男女对温度感觉不一样
As autumn starts, the inevitable discussions begin about when is the right time to turn on the heating. 随着秋天的来临,人们不可避免地谈...
网络时代丨How to Use Social Media Wisely社交媒体善用之道
Proper use of social media can enhance your personal growth, happiness, and expand your world by helping you make the ri...
艺坛丨Why Everyone Is Obsessed with Squid Game《鱿鱼游戏》因何爆火
By now you’ve probably heard of Squid Game, a dark social satire in which desperately impoverished people are enticed to...
艺坛丨The Blank Signature《空白签名》
Surrealism aimed to transcend the realist depiction of scenes available to ordinary perception. Under the influence of t...
读书丨Look for Me and I’ll Be Gone—Inimitable Storytelling无法模仿的《觅我已无踪》
American novelist and short story writer John Edgar Wideman, the first person to win the PEN/Faulkner award for fiction ...
史海钩沉丨Why Women Weren’t Allowed to Act in Shakespeare’s Plays莎剧早期缘何不准女性登台
The role of Desdemona, the devoted, loving wife murdered by her husband in “Othello,” wasn’t performed by a woman until ...
体育丨The Rise of Women’s Recreational Football女子休闲足球的兴起
More women in England are making up for the decades when they felt shut out of the game. 几十年来,女性都被拒于足球场外,而今有越来越多的英格兰女性在弥...
自古以来居住在英伦三岛上的人们自认是“岛国之民”(the Islanders),在他们看来,世界上任何其他地方都是海外(overseas),所以他们与生俱来就有强烈的独立意识(independent)和岛民特性(insular)。英国人普遍...
初学英语时,我们都见过这样的句子:“There are four members in my family. They are father, mother, brother and I.” I(我)被放在了末尾。在陈述二人一起做某事时,I...
谭译录丨Charlie’s Raven (Excerpt II)《查理的渡鸦》(节选二)
Charlie believed Singing Bird and her story. The Teton Sioux had lived on the prairie for a good ten thousand years and ...
谭译录丨《孟子·告子上》(节选)The Works of Mencius: Gaozi I (Excerpt)
孟子曰:“鱼,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也;二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。 Mencius said, “Fish is my favorite and so is the bear’s paw. If I could not enjoy ...
一、LEC考试中的法律逻辑推理题 美国最高法院大法官霍姆斯曾说道:“法律的生命不在于逻辑,而在于经验。”从逻辑在法律中的作用来看,虽然其不是法律发展中唯一发挥作用的因素,但是法律的研究和世界上其他事物的研究一样,都需要探求因果关系,揭示事物...
听力是很多大学生英语学习的短板,对于高中阶段没有进行过系统听力训练的学生尤其如此。 要想全面提升听力水平,就要做到将精听泛听相结合。 所谓精听,即要求学生对听力材料的把握要全面和准确。学生不仅要掌握材料主旨和大意,还要掌握其中的细节。教师在...
小作文 Directions: Write an email to a professor at a British university, inviting him/her to organize a team for the inter...
英伦学堂丨From Street Corner to Corner Kickz
Football and English are two international languages that are understood all over the world. This Premier Skills story c...
英伦学堂丨QPR Is Moving the Goalposts
Football and English are two international languages that are understood all over the world. This Premier Skills story c...





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